Mersea – Round the Island Race Report
The annual Mersea Island Round the Island Race was held on the 21st June 2015 in warm sunny conditions. It was started by the local mayor after a slight hic-cup with the countdown. The lady starter commenced the countdown from one before realising her mistake and starting again.
The race started with a half a mile jog along the nice sandy beach of Mersea spread the field, before turning onto a track that was wide enough for 2 runners as we approached the Strand (the bridge to the island that can flood in very high tides). After the Strand, the path was single file with occasional passing places although the grass was about 6 inches long across the path, this combined with a few kissing gates and a dozen or so curious cows encroaching on the course made sure runners did not go too fast, and held the pace at a comfortable rate. The old oyster beds were visible as the tide was out, a brief run on concrete and grass was then followed by a mile or two on the sandy beach as the run headed back towards the finish line.
Paul Schwer was caught out by the deceptively flat beach and managed to stumble over, causing a graze to his knee and forehead. Alex Jacobs (AJ) finished his first Round the Island Race and was very complimentary about the whole experience, I think he is busy doing anything else next year.
This was a great experience race, and I may have even managed my fastest half marathon of 2015.