Felixstowe Road Runners Blog


Runner Profile: Michelle Murphy

Thank you for the nomination Sam, I’d hoped to miss this! You’re lucky this will be a short story as I only started running in 2020. I’ve always lived in this part of Suffolk....

Wesel marathon

Last weekend a number of Felixstowe Road Runners converged on Wesel, Germany (Felixstowe’s twin town) for the Hadi running club’s third annual winter marathon/half marathon. Being just over the Dutch border, it is accessible...

Club Member of the Year 2024

We’re now taking nominations for Club Member of the Year 2024 Any member of the club can nominate any other member. Voting will close on 26th January. We will tally the responses and the...

Runner Profile: Sam Baxter

Thank you for my nomination Dom. I was hoping to dodge this for a tad longer, but I’ll try my best. … I was born in Germany (my dad was in the RAF) and...

Runner Profile: Dominic Bareham

Playing cricket as a twenty-something was actually the catalyst for me to start running seriously. Coming off the cricket field feeling absolutely shattered after bowling ten overs and puffing like the Flying Dutchman made...

Race Report: Round Norfolk Relay

“So why do you do it, then?” asked the lady at the bus stop. I was waiting to get back to Hunstanton after my 14-mile run along the beautiful North Norfolk coast – one...

Runner Profile: Bryan Wybrow

The Spice Girls Specifically, dressing up for charity at the Ipswich Half Marathon as Geri Halliwell in THAT dress is what done it. What got me into running that is. That charity event never...

Runner Profile: David Masters

Well,  thanks for the nomination, Steve Munnings!  I was surprised to be nominated but also excited to share my story. I have lived in Felixstowe my entire life, aside from a brief 6-month gap...

Runner Profile: Stephen Munnings

Thanks for the nomination Haydn! I thought being a relative newbie I’d have a while to get my running story in order! Where do I start… I was born in Felixstowe, and apart from...