Category: Runner Profiles


Runner Profile: Will White

Thanks, Louise, for the nomination – you were correct, it was my session that you first attended at FRR! And yes, it was one of the famous “Will’s Hills.” I can’t imagine this will...

Runner Profile: Louise Cracknell

Firstly, thank you Holly Taylor for the nomination – an incredible runner and someone that I’ve had the pleasure to chat with at a number of races. I appreciated your openness and I hope...

Runner Profile: Holly Taylor

Thanks for the nomination Kayleigh, not sure I can top your extensive running history, but here we go!  The Early (and rather uneventful) days  As a young child I loved being outside and active,...

Runner Profile: Kayleigh Turpin

Thank you Debbie for the nomination, I was hoping to avoid it for as long as possible :-). I enjoy reading everyone’s stories, everyone is so inspiring and achieved so much and I look back...

Runner Profile: Debbie Catling

Thanks for the nomination Sam. I always enjoy reading all the FRR runner profiles, what an inspirational lot you are – giving us a snapshot of your running journeys. I hoped to avoid doing...

Runner Profile: Sam Fulcher

Thank you Seamus for the nomination, and like he mentioned we know each other through swimming, and part of the Felixstowe Swimscapes Channel relay team in 2016. I too, am a fairly recent member...

Runner Profile: Seamus Bennett

Well, this is a surprise! Nominated to do FRR’s first runner’s profile of 2024 by the mighty Dan G, who I actually know through swimming, is quite an honour for someone who sees himself...

Runner Profile: Luke Whitwell

Firstly many thanks to Adrian Goode for the nomination last month, having managing to dodge this for over 10 years as a Felixstowe Road Runners Member. I was lucky enough to be born into...