Felixstowe Road Runners Blog

London marathon coach trip 2024

Update: sold out in an incredible 4 hours! We have booked a 53 seat coach for members, friends & family, who would like to travel to the London Marathon on 21st April 2024, either to...

FRR and the environment

FRR and the environment

Running just involves lacing up your trainers and heading out…or so it seems. The simple pastime of running appears to be one with very little impact on the environment.  Members of Felixstowe Road Runners...

Runner Profile: Sam Fulcher

Thank you Seamus for the nomination, and like he mentioned we know each other through swimming, and part of the Felixstowe Swimscapes Channel relay team in 2016. I too, am a fairly recent member...

Race Report: Wesel Marathon and Half

Felixstowe’s twin town of 50 years is Wesel in Germany. FRR have a reciprocal arrangement with HADI (Wesel’s running club) to host members at each other’s races. Various aspects aligned that meant that I...

Awards night tickets

Annual Awards Night – a night to recognise the club and it’s members achievements. Saturday 2nd March 2024, 7pm, Trimley Sports & Social Club. There is a limit of 150 people for the event...

Club member of the year – voting open

We’re now accepting nominations for Club Member of the Year. Only current members are eligible to vote and only current members are eligible to be nominated. Please nominate at: https://forms.gle/migC2FaPeMXJhuo37 The winner will be...

Runner Profile: Seamus Bennett

Well, this is a surprise! Nominated to do FRR’s first runner’s profile of 2024 by the mighty Dan G, who I actually know through swimming, is quite an honour for someone who sees himself...

Runner Profile: Luke Whitwell

Firstly many thanks to Adrian Goode for the nomination last month, having managing to dodge this for over 10 years as a Felixstowe Road Runners Member. I was lucky enough to be born into...

The Highs and Lows of Running 100 Marathons

I’m still finding it hard to believe I’ve actually achieved 100 official marathons, it doesn’t feel possible that I’ve finally reached this milestone. I did my first parkrun in 2016, but didn’t start running...