Category: Runner Profiles

Runner Profile: Danny Rock

Thank you Tony Gavin for the nomination, hopefully I can give you an insight of my story so far and what lies ahead. The Story before Running: I was always brought up during my...

Runner Profile: Tony Gavin

Firstly, I’d like to thank Henry for the nomination. I’d also like to wish him all the best going forwardachieving his goals. Early Years I was always out and about as a youngster but...

Runner Profile: Henry Catling

The early days “You weren’t really that great to be honest” was my mums’ response when I asked if I was any good at running as a kid. As a somewhat lanky child that...

Runner Profile: James Nial

As I sit here writing this in the evening of the day it’s due (wondering how I forgot about it for the last 31 days!), I’ll start by thanking Kerry for the nomination. As...

Runner Profile: Kerry Buckley

Firstly, thanks (?) to Len for the nomination! I’m surprised I’ve got away with it this long, to be honest. How I got into running It seems that runners are divided into two camps...

Runner Profile: Len Saunders

My sporting life   Solo, single, individual are words that describe the common theme that runs through all the sports I’ve taken part in throughout my life! I was never much of a team...

Runner Profile: Jess Farthing

Thanks ‘Matey’ (Stuart Mason) for the nomination. I have finally been caught. School Days (late 80’s) Although I was an active and sporty outdoor kid, I never really excelled at any particular sport. It...

Runner Profile: Stuart Mason

The early years “A comedian or a 10,000m runner”, that was my response to being asked, aged 11, what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Well, I have run a few 10k...

Runner Profile: Richard Smith

It was September 2010 and there I stood resplendent in my new FRR running vest ready (well not really) for my first race, it was the Alton Water 10k, I was cowering under a...

Runner Profile: Dave Lampard

Firstly I would like to thank Kaye for nominating me although I’ve always dreaded this as writing about myself really puts me out of my comfort zone. This because I’ve never thought people would...