Felixstowe Road Runners Blog

Round Norfolk Relay 2016

FRR have the opportunity to compete in the Round Norfolk Relay (RNR) this year for the tenth year in a row. If there is enough interest I will enter a team for the relay then...

Little Bromley 10K Race Report

Conditions were close to ideal for this new race in the calendar, and with the course being touted as a fast one, the quality amongst the sell-out field was very high. Scott Cousins of...

Jo Whelan

Runner Profile: Jo Whelan

How I got into running It all started three years ago. I decided I wanted to lose weight plus get fit for my annual ski trip. I used to run in my lunch break,...

Ekiden Relays 2016

This year’s Ekiden relays will take place at Woodbridge School on 17th July. For those of you that don’t know what Ekiden is, it is, in simple terms, a marathon run as a relay...

FRR Membership Renewal for the year 2016-2017

FRR Membership Renewal for the year 2016-2017

Membership for the new running running year is now due for renewal, with effect from March 1st 2016. Once again, thank you to everyone who rejoined so promptly last year. You can join/renew and...

Will Schwer

Runner Profile : Will Schwer

I thought it would be nice this year to do some profiles of some of our fellow team mates. On the first of each month, runners will be interviewed, with their answers being published...

FRR AGM 2016 Minutes

Attached are the minutes of the club AGM held on 17th February 2016. Please download them here: FRR AGM 2016

LEJOG Trophy

Awards Night 2015

What a night that was! I’m sure that everyone who attended would agree that Lucy Sheehan did a fabulous job of organising the evening. There certainly appeared to be no hitches. So, well done....