Felixstowe Road Runners and runners over 60
“You don’t stop running when you get old; you get old when you stop running”
Never was this better illustrated than by the membership of Felixstowe Road Runners,
Suffolk’s quietly growing running success story. Of its 190 members, 30 are 60 or over with
another 15 about to reach that milestone in the next couple of years. The club’s oldest
runner who competes regularly is 68 and none of the over 60s runners show any signs of
One of the main reasons that Felixstowe Road Runners continues to attract older people into
running, whether as beginners or people returning to running, is the very inclusive nature of
the club and the very carefully structured training sessions that cater for all abilities and
ages, training collectively rather than in separate groups. These sessions start at
Brackenbury Sports Centre, running 6.45pm-8.00pm and are led by members of the club
who are qualified run leaders and coaches. The structure and the opportunity to run and
train with others has led to significant improvement in the health, stamina, pace and
well-being of all members, as well as being a weekly opportunity to catch up with fellow
enthusiasts. At least once a year the club runs sessions specifically for anyone, of any age,
who is new to running, to provide a supportive introduction to the sport.
The Road Runners take part in events locally, regionally and nationally, and many members
wear the red vest in competition. Running events have different age categories in the same
race so there is an opportunity for success to be recognised at any age, and a clever age
rating allows runners to see their performance in the context of their age; something which is
very motivating. Felixstowe always gets a high turnout of runners at events, regardless of
ability, and this has allowed the club to be crowned as Suffolk Grand Prix champions for six
successive years. There are some fabulous runners in the club, but it is the ability to turn up
in numbers in all age categories which has created this success, and this is very motivating
for runners of all ages. Members can contribute to the club’s success regardless of ability,
whether it be in road races from 5km, through to marathons and ultra marathons, or in the
Suffolk Winter League of cross country events. Some of our more senior runners have gone
on to win the right to wear England Masters vests through their performance in their age
categories, and this is just an example of the way that the athletics national bodies have
structured the sport to be so inclusive.
Many of the Road Runners are regulars at the Saturday morning parkruns, particularly in
Felixstowe and Ipswich, and these have done so much to encourage running into older age.
The health benefits are enormous, with significant evidence that running can improve
physical health and lengthen life expectancy, as well as play an important part in mental
health and well-being. It is also a myth that it damages joints; there is much medical
evidence that regular running strengthens joints and bones and supports better balance into
older age, as well as improving cardiovascular health.
Felixstowe Road Runners welcome anyone of any age and ability. Check out the website at
www.frr.org.uk and make contact with any of the committee, or come along on a Tuesday
evening. It really is never too late to be a Road Runner!
Stuart Mason
Felixstowe Road Runners
I’ve just read Stuart’s inspiring article. Just reading it has been a source of motivation! I am one of the band of over 60s and am proud to be a member of our fab club! And yes getting an ‘age grade’ place certainly does give you that warm fuzzy feeling but so does turning out and being part of the sea of reds! Thanks Stuart!